Welcome to Kingfishers
Year Six
For nothing will be impossible with God
Luke 1 v37
Autumn Term One… Value: Hope
‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubles, neither let them be afraid.’
John 14:27
On behalf of the staff and children of Year Six, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to our class page.
Welcome to Year Six - arguably, one of the best years of Primary School. A year of piecing all of your learning together, growth and remarkable adventures which we cannot wait to embark with you! During term one, we are sure to acquire lots of new knowledge, enjoyment and responsibilities which will help us to be independent and successful learners. As a team, we are excited to begin this final chapter and are looking forward to seeing it unfold. Our door is always open!
This section of our website will be used to provide a summary of Year Six's learning journey. It will also be used to share information and post regular updates.
Scroll down to view our adventures!
As always, the door to our classroom is always open…’alone we can do so little; together we can do so much!’
Ms Smart and Mr Francis
Diary Dates
2nd September - INSET DAY
3rd September - Welcome Back to the New School Year!
24th September - WW2 Evacuation Day
3rd October - The Castle School Open Evening
11th October - Tempest Individual School Photos
15th October - Trip to M-shed
23rd October - Parent Consultations
24th October - Parent Consultations
25th October - INSET DAY
Weekly Check List
Monday - PE - Netball - PE kit to be brought to school.
Thursday - PE - Sports Leadership - PE kit to be brought to school.
With PE kits, please note the following changes to uniform requirements:
Please remove earrings at home in the morning before school and ensure that long hair is tied back (or a hair tie is sent in). There has been a large increase in the number of children covering their ears with tape and this should only be done in the first 6 weeks after being pierced. Following this children should be removing earrings for PE.
Our Learning Journey This section of our class page will be used to provide you with an insight into our classroom and learning adventures. |
Our Autumn Term Adventures
Classification Keys in Science
We spent some time considering how different living things can be classified based upon key features or characteristics. We then applied this knowledge to create our own classification keys. Firstly, we worked in small groups to create a classification key for sweets before finally, creating our own for living things.
A day in the life of an evacuee...
As part of our learning around World War Two, we spent the day in the life of evacuees. Throughout the day we studied different aspects of Operation Pied Piper, thought about what evacuees would have been allowed to pack, what might have happened to them and undertook aspects of the billeting process.
National Fitness Day
Year Six are currently working on becoming sports leaders and developing key leadership skills. As part of national fitness day, some of our wonderful year sixes lead some team games and fitness challenges for our younger children to enjoy throughout lunchtime.
Backpack Blessings by Rev'd Joy
Revd. Joy came into school to lead worship and bless our backpacks. The blessing of backpacks represents a blessing on all we need to learn, grow our minds, develop our own values, foster positive attitudes and deepen knowledge.
Lunching with our Buddies...
As part of our Early Years transition, we buddy each new reception up with a year six student. Year six then support different aspects of our new starters transition, including their first week of eating in school. Year Six were brilliant at helping their reception buddies to learn new routines and feel at home within a new setting!