Robins - EYFS
Welcome to Robins
For nothing will be impossible with God
Luke 1 v37
Autumn Term One… Value: Hope
‘I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.’
John 15:11
On behalf of the Reception staff and children of Reception, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to our class page.
We are excited that you are now part of the St Mary's community and for all the adventures we will go on throughout the year. We loved getting to know you all on your transition days and cannot wait to spend even more time with you this school year!
We believe that learning through play will open many doors for each and every child.
"Give Children a day, and they will show you the Universe..."
Scroll down to view information and our journey!
If you have any questions please use the class email: or feel free to talk to me at the end of the day.
Miss Nation
Diary Dates
2nd September - INSET DAY
3rd September - Welcome Back to the New School Year!
11th October - Tempest Individual School Photos
23rd October - Parent Consultations
24th October - Parent Consultations
25th October - INSET DAY
Weekly Check List
Monday – Story Sack / Robbie returned to school
Tuesday – Homework returned (Uploaded to Seesaw)
Wednesday – Mrs Wilkinson- am
Friday - Library books returned and swapped /show and tell
PE Day - Tuesday am- (Please come in school uniform, PE bags will be left in school for the term and returned over the holidays to be refreshed and brought back to school the following term)
BOOK CHANGE - Your child will be changed every Friday. Please ensure books and reading records are in bags every day.
Our Learning Journey This section of our class page will be used to provide you with an insight into our classroom and learning adventures. |