Penguins - Y1
Welcome to Penguins
Year 1
For nothing will be impossible with God
Luke 1 v37
Autumn Term One... Value: Hope
‘I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.’
John 15:11
On behalf of the staff and children of Year One would like to extend a very warm welcome to our class page.
Welcome to the new school year and your journey into Year One! I was delighted to see you all on our move up day and I have been really excited about spending more time with you all!
I am looking forward to stepping into Autumn Term with everyone and enjoying our learning together as a community - we are going to have so much fun!
This section of our website will be used to provide a summary of Year One's learning journey. It will also be used to share information and post regular updates.
Scroll down to view our adventures!
Miss Pike
Diary Dates
2nd September - INSET DAY
3rd September - Welcome Back to the New School Year!
11th October - Tempest Individual School Photos
23rd October - Parent Consultations
24th October - Parent Consultations
25th October - INSET DAY
Weekly Check List
Tuesday- PE - PE kit to be brought to school.
Wednesday - PE - PE kit to be brought to school.
Please remove earrings at home in the morning before school and ensure that long hair is tied back (or a hair tie is sent in). There has been a large increase in the number of children covering their ears with tape and this should only be done in the first 6 weeks after being pierced. Following this children should be removing earrings for PE.
With PE kits, please not the following changes to uniform requirements:
Our Learning Journey This section of our class page will be used to provide you with an insight into our classroom and learning adventures. |
Our Autumn Term Adventures
Rev'd Joy Blessed our Backpacks...
Revd. Joy came into school to lead worship and bless our backpacks. The blessing of backpacks represents a blessing on all we need to learn, grow our minds, develop our own values, foster positive attitudes and deepen knowledge.