Parent/Carer Help and Support
Mrs Cowell - Pastoral & Community Lead
Welcome, we hope you can find the support or advice you need here, or know who to speak to in school.
Mrs Cowell, is our Pastoral and Community Lead (PCL), we created this role so we can support our children, their families and our community.
Since the pandemic life has been tricky for many of us, and for children schools now see an increase in poor mental health with anxiety on the increase, a decline in social and communication skills and a decline in self-esteem. On top of this families are facing challenges due to the cost of living increase.
In response to this, and to continue her ELSA work in more depth, Mrs Cowell's role is now full-time and she no longer is attached to one class.
If you are struggling to get your child/children to school everyday on time, please call Mrs Cowell, she can advise you or just be a listening ear. She can support children with Emotional School Based Avoidance (EBSA), or with any anxiety around school.
Mrs Cowell can signpost parents to many support services from school nurses to emergency funding routes and food bank vouchers.
Our PCL is our offer as a school at the centre of a community that we care about and want to support where ever we can.
Our support is discrete, you can trust our discretion.