Trust Fund
We would like to say a huge THANKYOU to everyone who donates to the School Trust Fund. Without your help and support we would not be able to maintain the school buildings and grounds.
South Glos Council gives our school ZERO buildings maintenance funding. For any money received from central Church funds towards building projects, a significant % has to also be provided by the School Trust Fund.
We do our best to keep the school building running so that your children can achieve their full potential. We do not want to be in the same situation as many schools where they have had to close due to major building issues and parents have to then home school. Therefore, we thank you for enabling us to make our school safe and fit for purpose.
If you haven't had the chance yet, please sign up to donate what you can afford with a standing order, or a one-off donation. If you can, please also sign a Gift Aid form (see forms attached at bottom or available from the School office) which allows us to reclaim the tax and adds 25% to your donation.
Bank details
St Mary's Church of England School Charitable Trust
Sort Code: 55-61-38
Account Number: 25226649
St Mary’s is a Voluntary Aided school. Whilst this means the school has certain autonomy (for example, in setting our admissions policy), it also means that the school is not entirely funded by the government or local authorities. At least 10% of the capital funding of the school has to be found by the governing body.
What this really means is that certain parts of the fabric of the school are funded by voluntary contributions from parents and carers.
Fabric of the school includes buildings, for example, the fitting of double glazed windows in Reception and Year 1 classrooms, new toilets and a complete heating system for KS1. Ten percent from the Trust find also went towards the new administration and entrance block at the front of the school and a boiler for KS2. The school is currently looking at refurbishing the KS2 building with new drainage, toilets and re-modelling of the internal rooms to create a better learning environment for the children.
Voluntary aided also means that large purchases also require some degree of funding by parents. For example, parental contributions recently enabled the purchase of 48 new laptops.
The School Trust fund was set up to enable parents to contribute to the school in a regular, anonymous and tax efficient way. The trust fund is administered by trustees who ensure that any parental contributions are only used for 'the maintenance of buildings and for the advancement of the education of the pupils of the school.'
Parents are not required to contribute to the Trust fund but if you feel that you could contribute then please contact the school for more details. By contributing to the Trust fund the school improvements essential to developing its buildings and learning environment will enable the governors to plan for the future.