St Mary's Science and Technology Fair
St Mary's Science and Technology Fair
On Saturday 25th February, our PTFA hosted many, many exhibitors, visitors and parents who had specialist knowledge in Engineering, Science, Maths and experts in robotics and various technology.
This event was organised for our school community and we had pupils, governors and teachers from different schools in the area attending. It was a huge success and it was clear children were fascinated by Science and had a really interest and curiosity across all age groups, including pre school. We know our pupils can be the Engineers and Scientists of the future and this gave them a taste of what can be done with Science and Technology.
We know that we had 2 pupils who went on to Castle school this year accepted into Oxford one for Law and one for Engineering.
We can't say thank you enough to Selina Slater, Carly Rocyn-Jones and the PTFA team. You would think we had a huge PTFA by the standard of events we have but we don't. We have a handful of volunteers who work full time and have young children, who still volunteer and give up precious time for the benefit of all our children.
We really need more volunteers. It doesn't have to be all events just help at one or two events even if running a stall for just an hour.
If you can help at any events, please contact Cheryl Jenkinson or Carly Rocyn-Jones to add your name down so we have a bank of support for future events.
We all felt hugely emotional on Saturday, seeing what being a community really looks like - it was an incredible day!